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Anu Hanumanthu

Interview with Annapurna Hanumanthu

The Department of Biological Sciences is proud of our many remarkable undergraduates.  These interviews seek to showcase the talents, energies, and accomplishments of a select few nominated by faculty and staff.  To nominate a student please contact

What is your proudest accomplishment as an NC State student?

My proudest accomplishment was becoming the first recipient of the College of Sciences Student Leadership Award 2016.*

What do you love best about your department or your major?

The thing I love most about the Biological Sciences Department is that there is always someone there to advise and guide the students towards the right path. I had no idea where I was going as a first-year student, but the advisors and faculty have been my strongest support system and role models.

Care to give a shout-out to a faculty or staff member that you’d like to recognize?

It is extremely difficult to choose one faculty member, because everyone that I have interacted with in these past 4 years have all been amazing.  But I would like to give a shout-out to Dr. Jane Lubischer! She has been a constant support system throughout my undergraduate career, from day 1.  Her journey to where she is today is what has inspired me–that if I put in 100% of my effort, I will get 100% in return.

What do you plan to do after graduating from NC State?

I want to go to Medical School.

What else would you like us to know about you?

I think it is important for students coming to NC State to know that it is okay to be confused or unsure. I am a first generation student in my family to get an undergraduate education in America, and that has been an upwards battle. However, putting myself out of my comfort zone and challenging myself constantly have allowed me to grow and become a better human being.

Here are just some of the other remarkable things we discovered about Anu:

  • She has over 450 hours of clinical experience, as a medical scribe in the Emergency Department at Wake Med North, a medical assistant in a family practice in Raleigh, and volunteering at Duke Regional Hospital.
  • She has accumulated almost 1000 hours of research experience (through PackTrack, the Biochemistry Department and the Summer Biomedical Research Program at ECU Brody School of Medicine), presented posters (for which she has won awards), and is currently working to prepare a manuscript.
  • Anu has held numerous leadership posts both on and off campus, including Secretary and President of the Collegiate Academy of the NC Academy of Sciences, President of 4 the World, and Secretary of Opportunities in Scientific Research.
  • She’s been a TA, Classroom Assistant, College of Sciences and Life Sciences First Year Student Ambassador, and volunteered at the Open Door Clinic, the Tammy Lynn Center, and the Krispy Kreme Challenge.