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Business Office – Who’s who?

The Biological Sciences Business Office team proudly provides a range of support for our faculty, staff, and students from budget management to hiring. We aim to deliver consistent, effective, and efficient support, while fostering an environment that embraces, promotes, and values diversity, equity, and inclusion in our workplace, classrooms, and community. Meet our team below

Carolyn J. Mattingly

Department Head

Oversee instruction and research operations 
Serve as a point-of-contact for students and postdoctoral fellows
Manage department budget
Collaborate with faculty to determine workloads 
Coordinate and oversee the reappointment, promotion, tenure and post-tenure review processes
Contribute to curricular planning in the department and distribution of associated support resources
Contribute to the planning and implementation of departmental meetings (e.g., faculty and staff meetings, commencement, retreats)
Serve as an advocate for the department and liaison to the college and university
Manage day-to-day operations of the department and associated administrative processes
Participate on the College leadership team
Coordinate with and establish new department committees as needed

Jane Lubischer

Associate Department Head

Chair and coordinate the Biological Sciences Undergraduate Programs Committee
Guide course and curriculum actions through the approval process
Coordinate with BioSci Student Services team to plan and monitor enrollment of course offerings
Engage with university interdisciplinary initiatives (e.g., Integrative Sciences Initiative, Wicked Problems Wolfpack Solutions, academies, first year programs)
Plan and coordinate equity-based teaching and educational initiatives
Coordinate content for teaching-focused meetings
Conduct and provide support for research in the scholarship of teaching and learning
Provide administrative support to the Department Head and department as needed
Supervise student services Manager and teaching lab support staff

Matthew Brooks

Human Resources (HR) Partner

Serve as primary contact for all HR actions
Prepare all paperwork and system entry for hiring actions
Serve as leave coordinator
Adhere to all payroll and distribution deadlines
Serve as time keeper (temps and monthly)
Initiate additional compensation  
Maintain personnel files 
Develop SOPs
Process Visas
Maintain organizational charts
Support search committee administrative duties

Wall Crumpler

Facilities Manager

Perform annual CAMS Inventory
Oversee and renew (where applicable) equipment maintenance service contracts
Serve as facilities liasion for departmentally occupied buildings
Write, submit, and oversee lifecycle of FacMods
Participate in the planning of and oversight of lab renovations and buildouts
Serve as EHS liasion for departmental spaces including shared rooms and laboratories
Manage ComTech requests
Facilitate surplus and renovation projects

Tyler DeAtley

Graduate Services Coordinator (GSC); Genetics, Functional Genomics and Bioinformatics programs

Provide administrative support for graduate program in coordination with the Director of Graduate Program (DGP) 
Serve as the primary point-of-contact for student and faculty 
Process admissions applications   
Monitor and facilitate student progress toward degree completion  (e.g., student contracts, plans of work, committee constitution, exam scheduling)
NextGen Graduate appointment initiator 
Coordinate  recruitment, orientation and other programmatic events 
Contribute to training grant administration (where applicable)
Contribute to organization and oversight of program-associated seminar series and associated tasks
Approve/facilitate student travel 
Facilitate program communication (e.g., website, newsletter, listservs)  
Ensure students fees are paid through business office by submitting appropriate GA1 documents
Maintain/update the program handbook

Dana Derosier

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Executive Assistant

Manage reappointment, promotion, and tenure/Post-tenure review processes
Maintain departmental calendars
Plan and coordinate departmental events 
Support search committee administrative processes 
Compile and manage Faculty Annual Reports and Statement of Faculty Responsibility documentation 
Provide departmental and Head office administrative support
Provide department audio/visual technology backup
Oversee and facilitate award nominations/submissions 
Manage departmental communications
Maintain social media/website
Develop departmental content and visuals for website

Denise Lamb-Willis

Accounting Technician

Manage finances of L2 (state),L3,  L6, and L7 accounts  
Create/activate phases  for L2 faculty funds from outside the college & monitor funding transfers
Advise faculty on budgeting, policies & procedures, and allowable expenses
Enter JVs, IDTs, IDBs
Approve MP, vouchers, IDTs
Review/approve   travel authorizations 
Monitor account balance & workflow
Complete College Billing for startups monthly
Consult L5 Acct Tech’s and update any personnel / salary on google summary sheet as this gives faculty a quick overall financial view.
Review and Provide monthly google sheet reporting to faculty inclusive of all accounts.
Monitor commitments/wire payments 
Analyze, interpret and explain financial data
Oversee deposits for L2, L3, L6 & L7 accounts 

Hakan Sungur

Business Manager

Manage and oversee  business and administrative functions 
Manage all financial accounts in the department
Prepare Budget forecasts and planning
Analytical Support and assessment
Contribute to strategic planning
Supervise business office staff
Interpret policy and ensure compliance
Develop and implement systems to project and manage revenues
Tracks commitments
Manage and monitor personnel actions
Manage position and appointment control
Serve as department SAR administrator
 Conflict of Interest and TEARS  Coordinator
Approve travel authorizations and requests
College funding approver for Graduate student appointments 
Develop SOPs to improve business efficiences as needed

Kate Thompson

Office Coordinator

Provide general assistance to staff and faculty
Develop forms, SOPs, and workflows to increase departmental efficiency
Assist Business Manager in completing financial and HR reports requested by College/other offices
Develop, implement, and maintain departmental FAQ site. 
Enter requisitions, vouchers, invoices, service agreements/contracts, and personal reimbursements
Reconcile all non Ledger 5 expenses on p-cards
Implement payroll bi-weekly redistribution 
Enter student worker JAR HR actions 
Serve as student timekeeper 
Assist with travel arrangements for departmental initiatives by approval from the Department Head and Business Manager
Train employees on WolfTime, Travel Center, PEP Central and FWS Central in MyPack Portal
Support office/dept staff & faculty with allowable expenses, project IDs, account code selections
Facilitate non-Marketplace requisitions