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Toy dinos

Apr 28, 2023

How Are Dino Tissues Preserved in Deep Time?

Two hypotheses for ancient soft tissue preservation are often one and the same, according to a new study.

Oct 24, 2022

Gestational Exposure to Flame Retardant Alters Brain Development in Rats

Exposure in utero to a common flame retardant altered brain development in newborn rats.


Oct 20, 2022

Alligators Exposed to PFAS Show Autoimmune Effects

Some alligators in the Cape Fear river have elevated PFAS blood levels and unhealed or infected lesions.

Meg with tooth injury

May 12, 2022

What Caused This Megatooth Shark’s Massive Toothache?

Big shark, bad day. A damaged O. megalodon tooth points to an injury received while feeding.

Toy dinos

Apr 25, 2022

Exploring the Origins of Molecular Paleontology

If Jurassic Park fueled your interest in dinosaurs, genetics, and all things ancient, you aren’t alone. There’s an entire field dedicated to looking for ancient DNA – molecular paleontology – that predates Michael Crichton’s take on dino clones. And the people behind that research are just as varied and interesting as any of Crichton’s subjects.…

Skulls of a baboon and howler monkey with the teeth "digitally dissected."

Oct 26, 2021

What Big Teeth You Have: Tooth Root Surface Area Can Determine Primate Size

A formula that calculates primate body size from tooth root size could help us learn how human ancestors interacted with their environment.

Parasaurolophus skull

Feb 2, 2021

Parasaurolophus Skull Solves Mysteries of Colorful Crest, Family Tree

A well-preserved skull answers questions about the Parasaurolophus family tree.

Dueling Dinosaurs

Dec 1, 2020

Dueling Dinosaurs: A Q&A With Lindsay Zanno

Lindsay Zanno talks about the Dueling Dinosaurs fossil and what it could reveal.

Nov 12, 2020

In Mice, Cadmium Exposure During Pregnancy Linked to Obesity, Metabolic Issues in Adult Female Offspring

Female offspring of mice exposed to cadmium during pregnancy suffer from obesity, fatty livers and abnormal glucose processing.

NC State researcher Jane Hoppin meets with students on her team to discuss their GenX community exposure study.

Oct 28, 2020

NC State Researchers Invite Wilmington, Brunswick County Residents to Participate in GenX Exposure Study

NC State researchers recruiting new participants from Wilmington and Brunswick County for the GenX Exposure Study.